I am 37 today. And I haven't written a post for my blog since 2011. That is about to change. Big times, as my daughter Tori would say.
Since 2011 a lot has happened. The events that stand out to me at this moment are: I had a baby boy named Will this past January, a major exacerbation which left me with extremely limited use and weakness in my legs for the better part of 2 months last summer, I discovered I love to swim and am equally excited about continuing to swim for my cardio workouts and general peace of mind, Tori began pre-school (!) last fall, I took an amazing vacation with my husband to Jamaica all the way back in November 2011 and I am still proudly vegan-ish. The -ish part is for fun since I do eat fish and the occasional egg!
I have been thinking a lot lately about sitting down and picking the blog back up. Writing was a good way for me to reflect and sort my thoughts on the things happening in my life. Although it's a bit of tunnel vision since I am writing within my own world, maybe some of the things I share can help others. We'll see.
For now, happy birthday to me as I tip back a small glass of wine since I am still on the clock. A short break never hurt anyone, and neither did a glass of wine.
Wow, am I really 37? Don't answer that. Cheers!