Monday, June 13, 2011

No power? No problem.

After my first post, I found that this blogging was exhilarating!  I outlined about ten more topics that came to mind that I wanted to think about over the next few weeks and then Thursday night happened.  A nasty storm ripped through town that left hundreds of trees toppled over onto power lines, most roads closed and no....power.  At first all I cared about was picking up my daughter from daycare.  There are 4 possible ways to get there and none were passable.  Next, I worried about our home and the damage I would find there.  I was also concerned about my husband's commute home and hoped that some sort of disaster recovery would start immediately so that he wasn't left to the maze of navigating all the back roads trying to get home as I had been doing for the previous two hours.  And then, I had the urge to blog.  What this told me was writing is essentially therapeutic and calming, at least in the way that I experience it.  A rush of all the things I could say and share came flooding forward.  Ideas for photos I could post.  The opportunities were endless, just like the ten topics I immediately thought of when posting my first blog entry.

This doesn't have much to do with being a vegan.  I did however delight in the fact that I could eat freely in the absence of power.  We took some precautions to preserve our refridgerated and freezer foods, and when I got to the bin of fruit and veggies I was actually relieved that I could just store them on the counter and we had an immediate source of sustenance for a couple of days.

My point with this blog is to say, while I find my path to wellness, I am adding "writing" to my overall plan.  I believe that doing things you enjoy and that make you excited about your life help create a balance to many of life's insanities.  For me I look at it as a way to unload; as an avenue to clear my mind in preparation for meditation.  And with that, I say namaste.

Photos courtesy of Russ & his Blackberry :-)

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